Experts have agreed on this miscarriage therapy

Miscarriages, besides being emotionally draining for any couple who have experienced one, are common and often not well understood. They occur in up to 25% of couples. Most are actually caused by chromosome problems with the egg or embryo and have no real treatment.
Other miscarriage causes include older moms and dads, stress, smoking, increased alcohol, drug, or coffee consumption, environmental effects, or uterine fifections.
Progesterone hormone has to support an early pregnancy. It is the signal for the lining not to shed as it would for a typical menstrual period, and the early progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary. Nature has designed this ovarian production as the back up to the placental production of progesterone, and each will help to replace any lack of progesterone production occurring early in a pregnancy. It's always been thought that very early on in the first days to couple of weeks of pregnancy there just isn't enough placenta to support that uterine lining and prevent it from shedding. The ovary is designed to filling in with some extra progesterone production Yet as the pregnancy progresses, a healthy pregnancy will have a healthy placenta, and it will begin making enough progesterone to support the pregnancy even if the early low progesterone can be overcome.
2017 research says pregnancy progesterone supplementation . In an article by the group including Saccone G, Schoen C, Franasiak JM, Scott RT Jr, Berghella V and published in Fertil Steril. 2017;107:430-438, they specifically were interested in looking at the use of progestogen in unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), which is diagnosed when a woman miscarries more than two subsequent pregnancies.
Treatments that probably won't work in the majority of women include: aspirin, blood thinners, steriod use, iv immune therapies, intralipid treatments.
If your gyno decides that progesterone is the right way to go for you, there are many ways to give progesterone and the use of pills, intramuscular, and synthetic progestogens were associated with lower risk for miscarriage. Oddly bioidentical or natural progesterone was not as helpful in preventing miscarriages as synthetic progesterones. But it is up to your personal gyno to determine which would be best for you. We have not gotten as far as recommending this for a first pregnancy or after one miscarriage, but it is mostly reserved as a treatment for women who have had several miscarriages.. And some researchers think the safety studies haven't been concluded yet to make sure there is no fetal harm from progesterone treatment for this indication.
And it is important to check for other gynecologic factors. ruled out as a cause of miscarriages in women who have had more than one. These factors could be uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, uterine infections, diabetes, hypertension, or medication use, lack of vitamins or other nutritional deficiencies, chromosomal problems, or perhaps not the woman at all and a miscarriage can be linked to problems with the male sperm count.